Τρίτη 16 Ιουνίου 2020

Mrs Mongerini E.C.

Κρατήστε το Βιογραφικό της Κομουνίστριας Μογκερίνι, η οποία κατέληξε να είναι υπεύθυνη της Ευρωπαικής Διπλωματίας με πλειοψηφία E.P.P. kai Γιουνκέρ Πρόεδρο της Κομισιόν, εκπροσωπώντας τους Ιταλούς Σοσιαλιστές και τον Ματέο Ρέντζι..
Περίεργη συνύπαρξη. Θα δούμε τα αποτελέσματα της, στις Ευρωεκλογές του Μαίου...
""A member of the Italian Communist Youth Federation, upon joining in 1988. In 1996, Mogherini joined the Youth Left after the dissolution of the Italian Communist Party and its transformation into a Social Democratic Party.[citation needed] In 2001, she became a member of the National Council of the Democrats of the Left (DS), later serving on its National Executive Board and Political Committee.[citation needed] In 2003, she started working at the DS's Foreign Affairs Section, where she was given responsibility for relations with international movements and parties, later becoming the team's coordinator; after that she was given responsibility for Foreign Affairs and International Relations on the staff of DS Party chairman Piero Fassino.[citation needed] In this role, she oversaw the policies on Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as the Middle East peace process.[citation needed] Mogherini was in charge of maintaining relations with the Party of European Socialists, the Socialist International and other left-wing parties.
After the formation of the Italian Democratic Party (PD), on 4 November 2007, Mogherini was appointed to the staff of its founding chairman Walter Veltroni.[citation needed]""

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